Kohli Center on Intelligent Systems (KCIS) is a state of the art research center at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H). The center was established in the year 2015 with a funding from the Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) foundation to give a fillip to research, teaching and entrepreneurship in the broad area of intelligent systems. Over the years, the center has established itself as a leading center on Intelligent systems bringing together sharpest minds of India. With a vision of taking advanced researches from labs to lands KCIS has been working tirelessly in a multi-stakeholder approach for achieving sustainable impacts.
Latest Events: FC Kohli Day 2025
Recent Highlights
Faculty Blogs

Dr Girish Varma
Simplicity in Complexity: How Prof. Girish Varma keeps it real

Dr. Harikumar Kandath
Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is what Harikumar Kandath regards as his bread, butter and jam. He explains

Dr. Chiranjeevi Yarra
IIITH Language forensic Sherlock – Why Chiranjeevi Yarra loves his English accents

Dr Sujit Gujjar
How Running Marathons and Atomic Habits Fuels Sujit Gujar’s Passion for Ethical AI

Dr. Parameswari Krishnamurthy
From English Literature to Computational Linguistics – What drives Dr. Parameswari Krishnamurthy?”

Dr. Makarand Tapaswi
From the Big Bang Theory to the Hogwarts of Computer Vision – Understanding Makarand Tapaswi’s world

Dr. Priyanka Srivastava
Priyanka Srivastava

Dr. Avinash Sharma
Exploring the Unfolding Metaverse with Avinash Sharma

Dr. Charu Sharma
Why is IIITH’s young professor running in geometric circles?

Dr. Nimmi Rangaswamy
What does a hardcore anthropologist bring to a technological university?

Dr. Sudipta Banerjee
Biometric Forensics – Through the eyes of a Cyber-Sleuth

Dr. Aditi Mukherjee
Aditi Mukherjee – How a Linguist is bringing a new dimension to IT

Dr. Vikram Pudi
Why is Vikram Pudi Obsessed with Data Repositories?

Prof Bapi Raju
Matters of the Mind and Brain

Prof Dipti Misra Sharma
The Grande Dame of IIIT Hyderabad

Dr. Radhika Mamidi
Of Documenting The Daily And Other Stories

Dr. Anoop Namboodiri
An Academic with a Dream view