Shri FC Kohli Day
Kohli Centre of Intelligent Systems (KCIS) at IIITH commemorates the birth anniversary of Sri FC Kohli with a special program celebrating his life through nurturing research and innovation

Rajeev Rastogi
VP, Machine Learning Amazon India
Rajeev Ramnarain Rastogi is an Indian computer scientist who graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, where he got his Bachelor of Science degree in 1988. He received his Master's and Doctoral degrees from the University of Texas in 1990 and 1993 respectively
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Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Mausam is the founding head of School of Artificial Intelligence, along with being a Professor of Computer Science at IIT Delhi. He is also an affiliate professor at University of Washington, Seattle. With a twenty-year research experience in artificial intelligence, he has, over time, contributed to many research areas such as large scale information extraction over the Web, AI approaches for optimizing crowdsourced workflows, and probabilistic planning algorithms. More recently, his research is exploring neuro-symbolic machine learning, computer vision for radiology, NLP for robotics, multilingual NLP, and several threads in intelligent information systems that include information extraction, knowledge base completion, question answering, summarization and dialogue systems. He has over 100 archival papers to his credit, along with a book, and two best paper awards.
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19th March 2022
2:00 [IST]
Introduction FC Kohli Day
2:10 [IST]
Industry Panel
Dr Rahul Panicker Principal Technologist, Vicarious AI
Dr Srujana Merugu Principal Scientist Amazon
Dr Anu Acharya Founder and CEO Mapmygenome
Prof Vinod P K IIIT Hyderabad
3:30 [IST]
R & D Showcase
Live interactive research demos by IIITH students IIITH community 6-10 minute demos
5:15 [IST]
Alumni Session
KhyathiRaghavi Chandu CMU MS/PhD
AanshulSadaria SWE Google
Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Associate Professor at Institute of Technology, University of Tartu
Dr. Rahul Saladi Assistant Professor at IISc Bangalore
6:45PM [IST]
First Keynote by Rajeev Rastogi, VP and Research Lead Amazon India
8:00PM [IST]
Second keynote by Prof Mausam, IIT Delhi